Steam cities skylines mods
Steam cities skylines mods

steam cities skylines mods

"We might go into that eventually," he added. Paradox Mods has been in development for around a year, and Törlind admitted that mod creation will remain the preserve of PC users for the time being. "But as we started to distribute our own games, and as we started to move into the console space, we realised that, in order to serve all of our customers with mods - and we think mods are a very important part of the gaming experience - there would be a segment of our players that couldn't enjoy modding neither the act of modding the game, nor using mods." "Steam mods will only serve Steam users, and we have a growing percentage of players that buy their games from elsewhere" "There was a time when we were basically Steam exclusive, and at that point we could rely on Steam Workshop for our modding needs.

steam cities skylines mods

"You might recall a time - not so long ago, actually - when we only published PC titles," Törlind said, when we spoke yesterday. After years of PC focus, there was a huge potential audience that wouldn't be able to enjoy Paradox games in the same way. Paradox Interactive is launching an independent platform for game mods, which will allow PC modders direct access to console audiences for the very first time.Īccording to Anders Törlind, the product owner of Paradox Mods, the Swedish company's push toward releasing games on console platforms was the catalyst for creating a dedicated distribution platform.

Steam cities skylines mods